Our Services
Our programs are at the community level and mostly hard to reach areas as identified with the Sub County Health Management Team. Below are the main programs under CNS and RDS
The principle of the objective of the community mobile outreach is to motivate the community through collaboration with the other community key stakeholders to establish a sustainable community health care unit and handover and then move to another village. During the outreach, the following services are offered:
- Curative services– Doctor examining patients take necessary laboratory tests, makes a diagnosis and prescription and patients receive all drugs prescribed. The patients pay Adult 150ksh and under 10 years pays 50ksh for all the services (Consultation, laboratory, drugs) no patient is denied treatment for failure to pay.
- Immunization – Immunization to infants following the national immunization protocol as outlined by the Government of Kenya. This is done through collaboration with the Sub County health management Team.
- Family Planning– Family planning is made available to the community.
- Antenatal and post-natal clinics– The clients receive this service for free.
- Health Education– As the clients wait to be seen by the doctor, they receive varies education. The topics are mostly derived from observed community health issues.
- Spring protection– Using modern technology and community resources, the community water sources are protected and water cleaned through filtration. The water source is protected and bacteriological testing done before the community allowed to use it. This though dependant on availability of natural spring in the community.
- Shallow well sinking– By use of simple technology that is availbale in the community and depending on community need, we sink hand dug shallow wells in the community to provide clean water to the members of the community. The community provides land, form the water committee and host the contractors.
- Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) – we seek to trigger the community to take personal initiative to eliminate open defecation by meeting community ODF standards.
This a project that is geared towards cooperation with the sub county hospital health management team. The CNS/RDS sends volunteer doctors to the Sub County Hospitals to work together with other health workers. The objective of this program is mentorship through working as a team, Continues medical education and capacity building in terms of medical equipment’s.